Tuesday, 16 July 2013
Saturday, 13 July 2013
Give us our daily bread
What I am going to talk about today is very controversial, and many people will disagree with me on this subject.
I do believe when you have that revelation, that true joy and fire in your heart, that you confess your sins to Almighty God and believe truly that Jesus died for you, taking all your sin upon Himself so that you may have eternal life, and that He rose from the grave and now sits at the right hand of the Father in Heaven. If you truly believe this then you are saved, you are in God`s hands, and nothing here on earth or nothing here below or above the earth can alter that fact.
There are many Christians today who believe that you must carry on as a disciple in order to be saved, that you must read your Bible every day and pray constantly and do good works in the church. This is false doctrine, nothing else is needed then to truly believe in your heart what Jesus has done for you on the cross and at His resurrection. I am not saying that it is not good to read the Bible every day, or to do good works for people every day, because it is. But if you believe you have to do this then you are wrong.
Surely this is undermining the reason why Jesus came to the earth, He came to bring salvation not a doctrine, not everybody will be saved who cry out lord, lord. What did Jesus mean by this statement, did He mean that those who truly believe in Him would be turned away ? of course not ! What He meant was that there will be many people who support and follow a religion that believes in one God but does not accept Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God.
Satan has blinded and confused mankind by raising up many religions, these religions contradict each other, and distort the true word of God which is the Holy Bible, the gospel of Jesus Christ.
There are many religions today that believe Jesus Christ was just a prophet sent by God, a mortal man who now lies in a grave somewhere. This is so wrong, they believe in God but do not believe in the Trinity of God, There are three parts that make up our awesome, wonderful God and they are all equal, all one.
Also, there are many religions that worship a man or woman or some created object, such as the sun or the virgin Mary. God looks at this and sees them worshiping idols and not Him. There are those that have made their religion a football team or a pop idol, but still believe in a god, but not the Trinity.
These are the people, and there are many millions of them who cry out lord, and will not be heard by God because they have not believed in their heart that Jesus is the Son of God, and not confessed their sins and received redemption for them by Jesus`s death and resurrection. These are the people that will be left behind at the time of the Rapture, these are the people that will have to go through the Great Tribulation and then they will see the truth, but many will follow the new religion in fear of their lives, instead of trusting in God and believing in Jesus to save them.
There are billions of people who follow a religion which does not include the only way to salvation, the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The devil is responsible for this, he has done this deliberately so that mankind would be confused and bewildered and not believe in Jesus. Christianity is not a religion, it is a way of life. A way that leads to eternal life, by believing the Bible instead of the devil`s lies and false teaching. It is a way laid down by God to show us the best way to live by believing in His Word and not the lies of man or the devil. Living this way is good and with God`s help we can overcome the power and the hold that the devil has over us, but God has made it crystal clear. There is only one way we can be saved, not by living as a Christian but by believing as a Christian. ......Believe and be saved....Thank You Jesus, Amen
If you do not have a Bible, there is an on line one for you here......http://www.keyway.ca/bibles/kjvindex.htm
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
How I Was Saved
I was a weak young man, spiritually as well as physically. I didn`t believe in anything God, the devil, I just wanted to have a good time ; never mind the consequences.
I had no self confidence whatsoever, although when I started work, my confidence did improve, but not by much. I was thin, very thin and used to wear jumpers under my shirt to make my self look bigger. No, I did not like myself very much, in fact I would say that I hated myself. No self esteem at all, I found it hard to make friends and form relationships, because I was so shy and without confidence. I became a heavy smoker and gambler, I played the fruit machines, sometimes I lost all my wages, including my keep. Then I had to borrow money off work colleagues so I could give my parents my keep, it was a vicious circle, sometimes I would win the jackpot and then proceed to put it all back in. I did not know why I did this,I was hopelessly addicted to those machines, and because of this and the smoking never had any money.
This all drove me to the brink of suicide, I tried to cut my wrists but never even had the " courage " to do that. I used to cry myself to sleep, feeling inadequate and alone in my suffering. I couldn`t see any way out, any way in which I could go on living.
What I didn`t know was that this was all part of God`s plan for my life. Sometimes you have to be in a position like this to hear what God is saying to you. God used a young man where I worked called Clive, to bring me to Him. This young man saw the state I was in ,as I was unshaven and hadn`t had a decent night`s sleep for weeks. He asked me if I was o.k. and I said no and began to tell him all about my life, the addictions and the attempted suicides also how I was crying myself to sleep.
He listened to me, here I was pouring out my life to a person whom I hardly knew.I knew Clive was a Christian, but didn`t really know what a Christian was. I thought, as many people thought, that he was just a "bible puncher" pushing his religion at people and annoying them.
Clive listened attentively, listening to every word I said. He never interrupted me, just waited for to finish what I was saying. Then he asked me if I have ever heard of Jesus. I said I knew of Him, because I won religious knowledge prizes at school,so I knew He was a prophet or something and He died on a cross. Clive then proceeded to tell me who Jesus was and what He did for me through His death and resurrection. I didn`t really take what he said in, and he could see I was confused, so, he wrote down a few Bible verses for me to read when I got home.
To cut a long story short, I found my old Bible, the one I had won for a peek prize many years ago, I do not think that I ever opened it. I went to bed early, which in itself was unusual, as most times I used to stay up watching t.v. until the national anthem came on at the end of the broadcast.
I started to read the gospel verses that Clive had wrote down, nothing made much sense, then I came to the part where Jesus healed the man with the withered hand, it was like suddenly I was there, standing beside this poor man, I saw the man`s hand being healed. I saw the bones forming ,then the veins and sinews and the skin stretching over the bones as Jesus touched him, and then I had a revelation, if this Jesus could do this then HE MUST BE THE SON OF GOD Suddenly my room was filled with light, so bright I had to shield my eyes. Then I heard a voice, this voice said one word " Colin" my name. I knew then I was saved, I knew then I had changed, in an instant Jesus had called my name, and I was filled with so much joy it was overwhelming.
The following Sunday I couldn`t wait to get to a church and tell everybody I was saved. I sang, and as I sang tears were rolling down my cheeks. I knew that God was softening my heart, giving me His love and His truth, the truth of the gospel of Jesus, God`s only begotten Son.
Within a short space of time the addiction to gambling was gone.I was no longer held by the devil in this area. God had taken this addiction from me .
There are still lots of things in my life that need to be dealt with, I will always be a sinner while I am in this body, and will continue to sin although I will try not to. For I love Jesus and know what He has done for me, because He loves me and chose to die for me, I will try not to sin, but seek the way out that God has provided for me.
. I have learned many thing now, but still have lots to learn about the way God uses people to do His work,to destroy the plans of the devil. The devil is defeated, Jesus achieved victory at the cross and His resurrection, the problem is the devil does not know that he is defeated, and there is nothing he can do to avert his fate that awaits him and those that follow him. Which is eternal damnation in the lake of fire.
Now I am free from the addiction of tobacco, again, I give God all the glory. I just want to move forward in Christ now, to know Him more to be more like Him, and to Praise and Glorify His wonderful name, for there is no other name under heaven by which you can be saved.....Believe and be Saved..
If you do not have a Bible, there is an on line one for you here......http://www.keyway.ca/bibles/kjvindex.htm
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