Monday, 20 May 2013

Don`t Go To HELL!!


You are not going to like what I am going to tell you, but God wants you to know the TRUTH so you can be saved from his wrath to come.

In the beginning God DID make everything by His mighty hand. The whole of creation, the whole universe and everything in it. Contrary to what scientists, Darwin or anyone else says. His creation testifies to this, the beauty and the order in the universe, although the whole universe is dying because of man`s disobedience to God when in the Garden of Eden, by deciding to go his own way and not follow God`s perfect path for his life.

God did create man in His own image, man did have a perfect relationship with God. God wanted to teach man as we teach our children, about knowledge, and the best way to live our lives. But God did not want slaves, he wanted us to believe that His way is the best way, to live by believing, on our own accord.

  When man decided to do his own thing, go his own way. You see, we were made spiritual as well as physical beings, if it weren`t for man`s disobedience then who knows what the world would have been like today. Oh ! by the way, there is no other life in the universe,God created it for us.

By the breath of His mouth He created beauty beyond measure and our sun stars   and distances that humanly are impossible to navigate. But ALL things are possible with God, for nothing is impossible for Him. Fear Him, for He can destroy you in an instant ...body and soul ,

 Quite possibly , He would have given us all things, if we had kept our faith in Him and not decided to do our own thing instead. 

 Don`t limit God to your own experience, for He is mightier then we could ever know. He loves you beyond measure, there is no limit to God`s love , for He is Love.This is our mighty God`s character, he is pure, holy, righteous  spotless,without blemish and perfect in every way, and that`s what He wants us to be,for if we are not then we could not even look at Him and live  let alone   rule with Him under His divine guidance for ever and ever.

For one day, and I believe that it could be very soon; He will say enough is enough, and like He did in the days of Noah, will not put up with man`s disobedience any more and destroy the Heavens as well as  the Earth.

You may say if God loves us, why would He destroy us ?and that would be a very good question. The answer lies in the Bible.The Bible is all about God`s relationship with man, not just with man but the whole universe. It is also a History book, not just for the past but for the present and the future. As well as this, it is fundamentally about God`s perfect plan to reconcile us back to Him by showing us how much He loves us.

As I said earlier don`t limit God to your own mind and way of thinking. God is God,He can do anything He wants to. If He wants to destroy the universe who are we to tell Him not to do it. It says in the Bible that we are like grain blown in the wind one day we are here the next we are not, this is so true, for who knows when they are going to die,only God knows, for He has always been here and is always in control of everything but free will. God has given you free will so you can choose which path ,while your on this earth you want to go on. Whether it be His path, that leads to everlasting life in His perfect love, or to Eternal Damnation exempt from His love, to be without Him, without love,without light for ever to be tormented in the lake of fire.

 I am not going to give you a bible lesson, you can do this yourselves if you choose to. What I will tell you is that there is only one name by which you can be saved from God`s wrath to come, and that name is Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God. I will give you something to look up in the Bible though, The Gospel of John : Chapter 3, verse 16. It`s up to you whether you believe it, but I know it`s TRUE, I know God would not lie. Believe and be saved

.Ask Jesus to take the blinkers off your eyes to see the truth,sounds weird I know, but just ask Him to do will save your life.

It is well worth you reading the 4 gospels, Matthew, Mark ,Luke and John, and with God`s help you will realize who Jesus really is,and what He has done.  

If you do not have a Bible, there is an on line one for you here......

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Why I Believe

Hi First of all, what is faith ?. Faith is believing in something you cannot see, cannot touch but you know it is real. Who imparts this ...