Friday, 28 June 2013

What is the Rapture and when will it happen ?



We are living in the end times,and there is coming a time of great tribulation to this earth. The Born Again Christians living through this time will suffer great persecution and because of this, many will fall away from their Faith. But there will be Christians alive on the earth when Jesus comes back to claim his people ( which is known as the rapture). The bible says that there will be great falling away ,then the sun and moon will be darkened and stars shall fall from the sky, also there will be a severe earthquake which will shake the whole earth. Then Jesus will come in the clouds of Heaven and the whole universe will see his Glory as it will light up the sky from one end of the universe to the other.Then, He will take his church off the earth, those who have died first then the living will be taken to meet our Lord Jesus in the air. After this God will pour out his wrath upon the earth against all unbelievers and evil doers . 

  Jesus Christ will come soon, whether it will happen in my lifetime I am not sure.But all the signs that are happening, in the heavens and on the earth point to this being the end of days. Nature has turned on it`s head, we are seeing now the worst spell of weather events since records began. Hurricanes ,earthquakes, famines, floods and  epidemics are at an all time high. Strange sights are being seen in the sky, the sea is turning red like blood and many fish and aquatic mammals are dying.The prophecies of the book of Revelation are happening now !

There is increasing conflict in the Middle East,from Turkey right through the region. Threats of war exist from many countries,some who have the capability to wage war on a nuclear scale.This is all prophesied in the Bible, from the increase in bad weather to the conflicts in the Middle East.

 God does not lie, He will not lie to you, He loves you and wants you to turn away from sin, accept what His Son did for you at the cross and at his resurrection. Ask Him to forgive you and accept His gift of eternal life, this is reality friends, this is the TRUTH. Do not let the devil win in your life, he is already defeated, do not believe his lies, his deceit.

 Jesus has won the victory for you, I do think that Jesus is coming in my life time, I do not know why, for no one knows the time,only God the Father, I just see what is happening in the world today and compare it to the end times in Revelation, the last book of the Bible, and it is the same. All prophecy is being fulfilled, just as it has from the beginning of time....Believe and be Saved...Amen

 If you do not have a Bible, there is an on line one for you here......   

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