Saturday, 1 June 2013

Why Do Our Bodies Die ?...How God is going to give Born Again Christians a PERFECT body



I am just an ordinary average human being, not some Biochemical scientist or expert on the human body. But I do believe the Holy Spirit has told me why our bodies die, and how God is going to make them perfect at the Rapture or when Born Again Christians who are asleep are woken up.

 Most people have heard of DNA, this is chromosome  that makes up our individual unique identity in our bodies. But holding these together are proteins which alter shape according to their function in the body. When we are born, we are born as sinners, that is sin is in our body and this is what alters the proteins or in some cases the protein module may be missing altogether. So from the moment we are born we are starting to die physically. Over time, these proteins decay or in some cases die very quickly,resulting in death sometimes at a very young age. So it is the sin that is in the world that causes sickness and death, and this affects every living thing.

When we become Born Again these proteins( and there are trillions of them ) start to form or conform to the shape they were intended to be before sin came into the world, not only this our DNA starts to change, this cannot be detected by man as we do not have the technology or capability of detecting this yet. I am not saying that we don`t die in our physical bodies, we do. But God is working in us as we repent and turn away from sin, and with His Holy Spirit conforming us into the likeness of His Son Jesus Christ. So our bodies " sleep" and will be perfected by God, if we are Born Again of His Spirit.

So either at the Rapture or when Jesus wakes us up, those proteins will be perfect as will our DNA, so we will be like Adam was before he disobeyed God and allowed the devil to bring sin into the world,perfect human beings at one with God, spiritually as well as physically just as God intended. This all makes perfect sense to me and makes a mockery of the theory of evolution, praise God who makes man`s wisdom like folly, and His TRUTH is revealed. For He says that anything done in secret will be revealed, and that means good and bad. 

To God be the Glory for ever and ever Amen.

If you do not have a Bible, there is an on line one for you here......

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