Monday, 28 September 2020

 My Testimony 

Hi,You may know this already,but I would like to share with you a vision I had when I was saved.

To cut a long story short I was reading some verses from the Gospels that a Born Again believer had given me ,as I was contemplating suicide & was so low & depressed & was nearly out of my mind & ready to totally give up my life.

Nothing made any sense to me in these verses . I read about how Jesus walked on the sea. How He stilled the storm & changed water into wine. I was thinking that He must have been some sort of magician doing illusions & fooling people.As these must be tricks of the hand & perhaps hypnosis lol.

Then I read about how he healed the man with the withered hand. Whether it was a hallucination or not I still had no idea then what it was,I do now.

Suddenly ,I was standing beside this man, gazing at his withered hand. It was a right mess all shrivelled up with the fingers knurled and pushed together ,that looked like they were on a stump.

Then Jesus leaned forward & lightly touched this man's hand. I saw it unfolding,bones straightening & sinews,veins & skin was being stretched over his hand becoming whole.. Suddenly I had a revelation,"if this Jesus could do this then He must be the son of God ! " I thought in my mind.

Then something which I cannot really explain,though I will try to, happened.

My room was filled with light ,so bright I had to shield my eyes. I heard a voice,it seemed to come from the corner of the room & just said one word my name " Colin ".. I knew then I was saved , my whole body was hot & I saw such beauty that there is no words to describe it,the colours were unlike anything I have ever seen. I didn't hear any sounds but the feeling of love in that place was overwhelming. It enveloped me & then everything went back to normality. But I wasn't the same,I had such joy in my heart which I never had before.

The following day I went to work,I felt like singing all the way,my heart was filled with,what I know now was God's unconditional love. I couldn't wait to tell people that I was saved,they looked at me as if I was mad ,but I knew that it was real.

I looked around me, at the clouds in the sky,the trees,flowers even the people looked different that day. It was like everything was new & fresh. I couldn't wait to get to church the following day. The young man that had given me the verses Clive was his name was giving me a lift to his fellowship. I will never forget that day,as I learned to sing the lovely Christian songs. The tears were rolling down my cheeks,they were hot as I sang & were tears of sheer joy not sorrow. I couldn't understand why I was crying then,but I now know why !...God was softening my heart, making it like His. .

All I have said here is true, you can either choose to believe it or not. But nearly forty years has passed since that day,many things have happened in my life since then. Most of it is written in this Blog for you to read if you wish...But I give all the praise,worship & Glory to  my Lord Yeshua who died for me..Thank you Lord...Read on if you want to know what I believe & why..

God Bless Yeshua's name.

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Why I Believe

Hi First of all, what is faith ?. Faith is believing in something you cannot see, cannot touch but you know it is real. Who imparts this ...