Tuesday, 25 June 2013

The Devil...And How He Is Working In The World Today



So, how is the devil turning modern mens eyes away from God ? In this day and age the devil is being very subtle, he has not changed his tactics just varied them a bit. The devil has always been behind the great dictatorships the world has seen, such as the Roman empire, Persian empire, and in these days Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussian and many more. A lot of these were very cruel in the way they ruled, killing, torturing and abusing many of their own people ,let alone their enemies.Even in the Middle East today they stone women to death for adultery, and behead murderers and cut off the hands of thieves. ( good job they do not rule Britain or America, the roads and pathways would be red with rivers of blood).

But according to the Bible, they will see scenes such as those mentioned. There will arise a New World Order, a one world government ruled over by one man. One man will have the absolute authority to say who lives, who dies and who can buy and sell. Sounds a bit like that book 1984 doesn`t it, big brother is watching you. Make no mistake this time is coming and is in fact already here.

 There are secret places throughout the world where they have stockpiled millions of coffins, also guillotines and weapons and gas and biological and chemical weapons to use on ordinary citizens.

  Who would do such a thing ? you may ask, I will tell you. There is today in this world a secret society called the Illuminati, they are a society made up of top world bankers and politicians,these people belong to the devil, they worship him and sacrifice people to him, and satan uses them like puppets to do his bidding. These people are the richest people in the world and control the world`s resources, all of them. They will bring in a New World Order that will promise world wide peace, and there will be, for a short time. Then you will know the true power of the devil, he will make a religion to be followed world wide, one religion, one belief, instigated by the devil to worship him and exalt him alone. There will be a mark of some sort , the Bible calls it "the mark of the beast" and anyone who does not have this mark will not be able to buy or sell anything. Or to hold any position of authority, and will not be allowed to have any freedom at all,  to own possessions or possibly even to leave their city.

Anyone who tries to rebel against this religion or refuses the mark, will probably be abused, tortured then put to death, or at the very least will be imprisoned in internment camps and made slaves of. ( Incidentally, there are many camps being built now throughout the world, but mainly in Europe and America) Many people will die during this time the Bible calls the Great Tribulation. Part of the Illuminati`s plans is to reduce the population of the world by 90%, so it will be more manageable. This is why they are building the camps, and stockpiling coffins and guillotines.

All this sounds like science fiction, but I can assure you this is science fact. Every prophecy that has been revealed by God in the Bible has come to pass, and the prophecies of the book of Revelation are all about to come true as well. God does not lie, and all things must happen to bring in the Second Coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, but this time He will come in Glory as the King of Kings, and the Son of God and for judgment not salvation. Every eye shall see Him and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is indeed Lord of all. 

If you have any doubts about this New World Order, then look on Youtube. There are many good Christian videos about the Illuminati and the power behind it, also of the camps, guillotines and coffins as well as how the devil uses the media and the film industry and the big banks to deceive all people who are gullible enough to believe his lies and deceit today. 

If you do not have a Bible, there is an on line one for you here......http://www.keyway.ca/bibles/kjvindex.htm

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