Saturday, 22 June 2013

Why were the Ten Commandments Given...and to Whom



Many years ago God gave Moses a set of rules, ten commandments that the people of God must obey.These Commandments are : -

You shall have no other gods before Me.
You shall not make idols.
You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet.

Who can say, hand on heart that they have not broken at least one of these commandments. I think, if people are honest with themselves that they would agree that everyone apart from Jesus Christ has broken at least one. So if that`s the case what was the point of God giving them to us in the first place. I believe. that God gave us these commandments to prove that without Jesus,and without the power of His Holy Spirit in our lives that they are impossible to keep.

Jesus said Himself that He had not come to do away with the law ,but to fulfill it, to make it accepting and believing who He is and what He has done for us we become new creatures, born again of His Holy Spirit. To be able to live in the power of His Holy Spirit and not conformed to the ways of the world. We only have to look around us to see the state the world is in. 

Nearly all governments are corrupt in some way, the big banks certainly are, asking for huge amounts of interest on their loans and credit cards. Lies, deceit and murder are commonplace, as are greed, the love of money and power, and as we know: power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The devil is building on all this evil, using it to blind mankind`s eyes from the love of God and His Salvation through Jesus Christ. He has used religion as the main tool to turn man away from God, making religion responsible for many wars and persecutions, taking man`s eyes off God and concentrating them on things which please the eye, such as greed, lust and anything that is not of God but of the devil instead. So you see, the devil has broken every commandment and wants you to do the same, he will  not care whether you die and go to everlasting torment, he hates you, more then this he hates God for loving you. He doesn`t care what happens to you, as long as he can drag you down to hell with him.

 How is the devil achieving this today..Well, one of  his chief weapons is sex.

The devil has distorted one of God`s greatest gifts to us and made it look dirty and sordid, and corrupted it with bestiality and homosexuality, turning love into lust and sickness and loathing. The Bible is quite clear on this, and as God`s word says that no one following these practices shall enter the Kingdom of God, neither shall anyone delving into the occult or practicing magic, which are both highly dangerous and lead to all sorts evil, as we are seeing in the world today.

 We are in the end times, Jesus will come for His chosen people soon. Then soon after that the world will see the true face of the devil. There will be death and destruction  on a scale that has never been seen before. Demons will manifest and possess and deceive many people, even people who call themselves christians, and followers of Jesus. I believe, that all God`s law will be broken, knowingly and willingly by those who follow the way of the devil, those that oppose him will be tortured,abused then probably be put to death. I pray to God that I am saved from this Great Tribulation and that I am found worthy by faith in Jesus`s death and resurrection to be spared from this torment, at the Rapture..please God.  

If you do not have a Bible, there is an on line one for you here......

Believe and be saved.

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