Thursday, 20 June 2013

Who Will be Saved At The Rapture?...Will I ?



If the Rapture occurs while I am alive, will I be saved from the Great Tribulation ,no I do not think so ?.I believe all Born Again Christians will have to have a sound grounding in Jesus to face what is to come at that time, I pray that I my faith will not waver , for there is no fear that Jesus has not overcome and I believe at that time if I am persecuted for my faith and even put to death, I know that my promised Eternal Life with Jesus will be glorious in the extreme !   

The truth is, I pray that my belief is sure, that my foundation for my faith is rooted in Jesus Christ,and what He has achieved for me at the cross by His death and resurrection.

 I pray that I have been constantly seeking my Lord`s help and guidance by reading and believing the WHOLE truth of the Bible.I know God loves me by the way He is softening my heart, and by the way He is leading me to write this Blog. I cannot explain in words what my faith is like, other then to say that I know the Bible is THE TRUTH and what man has told us about our origins is a lie.

The devil has deceived modern day man, just as he deceived Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden. I am sure, because the Bible says that God will make every thing known that has been done in secret, that those who have lied and deceived mankind will be made known. Then every one will know the truth,  and every knee shall bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ IS Lord.

 My hope is in the faithful Word of God, who says that if I believe with all my heart, all my soul that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He died for me, took all my sin upon Himself on the cross and was resurrected three day s  later , and now sits in Heaven at the right hand side of the Father. If I believe, and I do, then He would grant me eternal life.

 That is my hope, I know there  is nothing I have done or can do to earn my salvation or have eternal life. It is all down to the One who loves me more then I could ever know, to my beloved Lord Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, He has done it all, He has triumphed over the devil, over my sin and set me free.

Every one is an individual, every one has to work out his or her salvation. This is the way that God has made us, He knew, before He created us who would be his people, who would accept by FAITH what Jesus would achieve for mankind at the cross. So I wait with expectation, and look forward to my Lord coming at the Rapture, but if it doesn`t happen while I am alive, then I pray that it will happen as I sleep and await my awakening...... 

If you do not have a Bible, there is an on line one for you here......

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Why I Believe

Hi First of all, what is faith ?. Faith is believing in something you cannot see, cannot touch but you know it is real. Who imparts this ...