Friday, 28 June 2013

What is the Rapture and when will it happen ?



We are living in the end times,and there is coming a time of great tribulation to this earth. The Born Again Christians living through this time will suffer great persecution and because of this, many will fall away from their Faith. But there will be Christians alive on the earth when Jesus comes back to claim his people ( which is known as the rapture). The bible says that there will be great falling away ,then the sun and moon will be darkened and stars shall fall from the sky, also there will be a severe earthquake which will shake the whole earth. Then Jesus will come in the clouds of Heaven and the whole universe will see his Glory as it will light up the sky from one end of the universe to the other.Then, He will take his church off the earth, those who have died first then the living will be taken to meet our Lord Jesus in the air. After this God will pour out his wrath upon the earth against all unbelievers and evil doers . 

  Jesus Christ will come soon, whether it will happen in my lifetime I am not sure.But all the signs that are happening, in the heavens and on the earth point to this being the end of days. Nature has turned on it`s head, we are seeing now the worst spell of weather events since records began. Hurricanes ,earthquakes, famines, floods and  epidemics are at an all time high. Strange sights are being seen in the sky, the sea is turning red like blood and many fish and aquatic mammals are dying.The prophecies of the book of Revelation are happening now !

There is increasing conflict in the Middle East,from Turkey right through the region. Threats of war exist from many countries,some who have the capability to wage war on a nuclear scale.This is all prophesied in the Bible, from the increase in bad weather to the conflicts in the Middle East.

 God does not lie, He will not lie to you, He loves you and wants you to turn away from sin, accept what His Son did for you at the cross and at his resurrection. Ask Him to forgive you and accept His gift of eternal life, this is reality friends, this is the TRUTH. Do not let the devil win in your life, he is already defeated, do not believe his lies, his deceit.

 Jesus has won the victory for you, I do think that Jesus is coming in my life time, I do not know why, for no one knows the time,only God the Father, I just see what is happening in the world today and compare it to the end times in Revelation, the last book of the Bible, and it is the same. All prophecy is being fulfilled, just as it has from the beginning of time....Believe and be Saved...Amen

 If you do not have a Bible, there is an on line one for you here......   

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

They Said It Must Never Happen Again...But It Is !



    The Third Reich was probably the most vicious and the most fanatical of all the Fascist regimes that have emerged in modern times. Certain branches of it ,such as the Waffen SS were so inhuman, so without conscience that they slaughtered millions of people without batting an eyelid. Since that time, the time of the Holocaust man has said that this inhumane Genocide must never be allowed to happen again.

The TRUTH is it IS happening again, just like before, everything is being done in secret.

  The Illuminati are building huge private police forces and armies, militia made up of foreign soldiers Trained killers who have no compunction about killing ordinary citizens, an army that will obey orders without question, without mercy, without compassion and on a scale that has never been seen before.These orders will come from one man. One man who has been given complete authority by the devil, to do his handiwork.

( God has allowed this so that all prophecy can be fulfilled, so people will know that He is in control, and the Bible is the believe and be saved.) 

There are internment camps being built, and they are going to bring back the guillotine. Why ? you are probably asking, why the guillotine. Well, the guillotine beheads people leaving the body intact so that all the organs will be fresh and can be sold, the Illuminati are not going to waste a thing, they want the population reduced by 90%. They want you as slaves, hard labour to build their camps and railways and roads. Does this sound familar, also they are going to gas millions of people in the camps, do not take my word for it just type in Illuminati death camps on YouTube and see for yourself. 

There is a monument in Georgia U.S.A. that has written on it in several different languages a list . This list is the Illuminati`s plan to bring in their New World Order,this is what is written:-

the message of the Georgia Guidestones











Sounds good to a point, but when you study it, when you put alongside the truth of the Bible then you can see how satanic it really is.

    First,they want the population down by 90%. Second they want to clone your children to have a unique race of super humans, brainwashing them so they can serve the Illuminati. Third, do away with all languages, just have one language,doing away with sovereignty, no one will have an excuse not to obey them then. Fourth, just do what you want, doesn`t matter who gets hurt along the way, just do what ever feels good to you. The next six are just lies designed to take away your freedom and your rights, turning mans eyes away from the real truth of the gospel ,getting mankind to worship nature and themselves instead of God. This is all part of the devil`s plan to get man as far from God`s love as possible, so that he can rule over them completely, enslaving them to his doctrine, his lies.

All this is opposite to what God wants to give you ,which is true peace,true freedom, through His great Love for you. Which He has proven by giving us His Only Begotten Son to die for us, to save us from God`s righteous judgment for our sins. Not only this He has given you the way to have Eternal Life, what more can you ask of Him ? 

God`s heart is crying out to you, my heart is crying out to you. I see you all every day walking to work, going out having fun, just living normal everyday lives, but meanwhile behind the guise of a New World Order that they say will bring peace and stability, and an end to poverty in this world is such evil intent, that when it surfaces the world will bleed and cry out to God to save them.

  The Bible warns of this time,everything is being readied to bring in this New World Order. All things are almost in place, there is an African union, a European union and soon to be Asian union, there is already in motion in the U.S.A.  a treaty to unite North and South America. All they have to do then is put them all together, there is the New World Order  ....... 

The devil is real, the Illuminati is real, but most of all Jesus Christ is real, and His gospel is the TRUTH, the ONLY TRUTH.

  Believe in your heart, that Jesus has saved you from your sins, ask Him to forgive you, and He will. For there is no other name in which you can be saved from what is to come, He has done all that is required, so that you can have everlasting life. He alone took your sin and nailed it to that cross when He died for you, and then rose from the grave, and now sits at the right hand of God the Father in Heaven......Believe and be saved, God loves you,...Amen

If you do not have a Bible, there is an on line one for you here......

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

The Devil...And How He Is Working In The World Today



So, how is the devil turning modern mens eyes away from God ? In this day and age the devil is being very subtle, he has not changed his tactics just varied them a bit. The devil has always been behind the great dictatorships the world has seen, such as the Roman empire, Persian empire, and in these days Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussian and many more. A lot of these were very cruel in the way they ruled, killing, torturing and abusing many of their own people ,let alone their enemies.Even in the Middle East today they stone women to death for adultery, and behead murderers and cut off the hands of thieves. ( good job they do not rule Britain or America, the roads and pathways would be red with rivers of blood).

But according to the Bible, they will see scenes such as those mentioned. There will arise a New World Order, a one world government ruled over by one man. One man will have the absolute authority to say who lives, who dies and who can buy and sell. Sounds a bit like that book 1984 doesn`t it, big brother is watching you. Make no mistake this time is coming and is in fact already here.

 There are secret places throughout the world where they have stockpiled millions of coffins, also guillotines and weapons and gas and biological and chemical weapons to use on ordinary citizens.

  Who would do such a thing ? you may ask, I will tell you. There is today in this world a secret society called the Illuminati, they are a society made up of top world bankers and politicians,these people belong to the devil, they worship him and sacrifice people to him, and satan uses them like puppets to do his bidding. These people are the richest people in the world and control the world`s resources, all of them. They will bring in a New World Order that will promise world wide peace, and there will be, for a short time. Then you will know the true power of the devil, he will make a religion to be followed world wide, one religion, one belief, instigated by the devil to worship him and exalt him alone. There will be a mark of some sort , the Bible calls it "the mark of the beast" and anyone who does not have this mark will not be able to buy or sell anything. Or to hold any position of authority, and will not be allowed to have any freedom at all,  to own possessions or possibly even to leave their city.

Anyone who tries to rebel against this religion or refuses the mark, will probably be abused, tortured then put to death, or at the very least will be imprisoned in internment camps and made slaves of. ( Incidentally, there are many camps being built now throughout the world, but mainly in Europe and America) Many people will die during this time the Bible calls the Great Tribulation. Part of the Illuminati`s plans is to reduce the population of the world by 90%, so it will be more manageable. This is why they are building the camps, and stockpiling coffins and guillotines.

All this sounds like science fiction, but I can assure you this is science fact. Every prophecy that has been revealed by God in the Bible has come to pass, and the prophecies of the book of Revelation are all about to come true as well. God does not lie, and all things must happen to bring in the Second Coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, but this time He will come in Glory as the King of Kings, and the Son of God and for judgment not salvation. Every eye shall see Him and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is indeed Lord of all. 

If you have any doubts about this New World Order, then look on Youtube. There are many good Christian videos about the Illuminati and the power behind it, also of the camps, guillotines and coffins as well as how the devil uses the media and the film industry and the big banks to deceive all people who are gullible enough to believe his lies and deceit today. 

If you do not have a Bible, there is an on line one for you here......

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Why were the Ten Commandments Given...and to Whom



Many years ago God gave Moses a set of rules, ten commandments that the people of God must obey.These Commandments are : -

You shall have no other gods before Me.
You shall not make idols.
You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet.

Who can say, hand on heart that they have not broken at least one of these commandments. I think, if people are honest with themselves that they would agree that everyone apart from Jesus Christ has broken at least one. So if that`s the case what was the point of God giving them to us in the first place. I believe. that God gave us these commandments to prove that without Jesus,and without the power of His Holy Spirit in our lives that they are impossible to keep.

Jesus said Himself that He had not come to do away with the law ,but to fulfill it, to make it accepting and believing who He is and what He has done for us we become new creatures, born again of His Holy Spirit. To be able to live in the power of His Holy Spirit and not conformed to the ways of the world. We only have to look around us to see the state the world is in. 

Nearly all governments are corrupt in some way, the big banks certainly are, asking for huge amounts of interest on their loans and credit cards. Lies, deceit and murder are commonplace, as are greed, the love of money and power, and as we know: power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The devil is building on all this evil, using it to blind mankind`s eyes from the love of God and His Salvation through Jesus Christ. He has used religion as the main tool to turn man away from God, making religion responsible for many wars and persecutions, taking man`s eyes off God and concentrating them on things which please the eye, such as greed, lust and anything that is not of God but of the devil instead. So you see, the devil has broken every commandment and wants you to do the same, he will  not care whether you die and go to everlasting torment, he hates you, more then this he hates God for loving you. He doesn`t care what happens to you, as long as he can drag you down to hell with him.

 How is the devil achieving this today..Well, one of  his chief weapons is sex.

The devil has distorted one of God`s greatest gifts to us and made it look dirty and sordid, and corrupted it with bestiality and homosexuality, turning love into lust and sickness and loathing. The Bible is quite clear on this, and as God`s word says that no one following these practices shall enter the Kingdom of God, neither shall anyone delving into the occult or practicing magic, which are both highly dangerous and lead to all sorts evil, as we are seeing in the world today.

 We are in the end times, Jesus will come for His chosen people soon. Then soon after that the world will see the true face of the devil. There will be death and destruction  on a scale that has never been seen before. Demons will manifest and possess and deceive many people, even people who call themselves christians, and followers of Jesus. I believe, that all God`s law will be broken, knowingly and willingly by those who follow the way of the devil, those that oppose him will be tortured,abused then probably be put to death. I pray to God that I am saved from this Great Tribulation and that I am found worthy by faith in Jesus`s death and resurrection to be spared from this torment, at the Rapture..please God.  

If you do not have a Bible, there is an on line one for you here......

Believe and be saved.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Who Will be Saved At The Rapture?...Will I ?



If the Rapture occurs while I am alive, will I be saved from the Great Tribulation ,no I do not think so ?.I believe all Born Again Christians will have to have a sound grounding in Jesus to face what is to come at that time, I pray that I my faith will not waver , for there is no fear that Jesus has not overcome and I believe at that time if I am persecuted for my faith and even put to death, I know that my promised Eternal Life with Jesus will be glorious in the extreme !   

The truth is, I pray that my belief is sure, that my foundation for my faith is rooted in Jesus Christ,and what He has achieved for me at the cross by His death and resurrection.

 I pray that I have been constantly seeking my Lord`s help and guidance by reading and believing the WHOLE truth of the Bible.I know God loves me by the way He is softening my heart, and by the way He is leading me to write this Blog. I cannot explain in words what my faith is like, other then to say that I know the Bible is THE TRUTH and what man has told us about our origins is a lie.

The devil has deceived modern day man, just as he deceived Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden. I am sure, because the Bible says that God will make every thing known that has been done in secret, that those who have lied and deceived mankind will be made known. Then every one will know the truth,  and every knee shall bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ IS Lord.

 My hope is in the faithful Word of God, who says that if I believe with all my heart, all my soul that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He died for me, took all my sin upon Himself on the cross and was resurrected three day s  later , and now sits in Heaven at the right hand side of the Father. If I believe, and I do, then He would grant me eternal life.

 That is my hope, I know there  is nothing I have done or can do to earn my salvation or have eternal life. It is all down to the One who loves me more then I could ever know, to my beloved Lord Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, He has done it all, He has triumphed over the devil, over my sin and set me free.

Every one is an individual, every one has to work out his or her salvation. This is the way that God has made us, He knew, before He created us who would be his people, who would accept by FAITH what Jesus would achieve for mankind at the cross. So I wait with expectation, and look forward to my Lord coming at the Rapture, but if it doesn`t happen while I am alive, then I pray that it will happen as I sleep and await my awakening...... 

If you do not have a Bible, there is an on line one for you here......

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Is it ever too late to be saved ?



I believe God can do anything He wants, if He wants to save you then He will. But I also believe there is a provision. 

The Bible teaches us that there is only one name by which we can be saved, and that is Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God.

When Jesus was on the cross and the convicted man being crucified with Him said to Him ( for He had heard Jesus praying and asking His Father in Heaven to forgive those who were killing and torturing Him, and believed He was who He said He was. The Son of God ) Lord please don`t forget me when you go to your Kingdom and Jesus replied that the convicted man( who was near death) would be with Him in Paradise.

 So no, there is no time while you are alive when you will not be forgiven by God. But like I said, there is a provision here, that you believe truly in your heart, that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. That He died for you and took all your sin when He was tortured , beaten then crucified, and then raised from the dead and now sits at the right hand of the Father in Heaven.

It is no good just saying the words and not believing them. You cannot fool God, He knows your heart better then you could ever know it.

   If you believe in your heart, then there will be a change in the way you live, you will no longer want to sin, but to please God instead. That doesn`t mean you will not sin, you will be tempted and will sin. Instead of this sin leading you to death and destruction , confess it, asking God to forgive you because Jesus has already paid the price for that sin on the cross. If you confess that sin in Jesus`s name, God the Father forgives you then forgets it never more to be remembered, This is why as Born Again Christians we try not to sin, because of this we want to be more like Jesus, who has saved us from death and given us eternal life through His precious blood that was shed for our sins.

This is a hard concept for people to grasp, some never see the truth and will carry on living for themselves, doing what ever they want, no matter how many people they hurt along the way. Some will just never accept the truth, believing the devil`s lies, and that leads to sickness, death and destruction, not only of the body but also the soul and spirit. The devil has a lot to answer for, but do not blame the devil for everything, for your own mind is full of sin and will do what is in your heart. You know what is in your it of the devil or God ? There is only two choices, have you chosen the right one ?

If you do not have a Bible, there is an on line one for you here......

Thursday, 13 June 2013

The Devil and his demons.....are they real ?...and if so, what are they like ?



 Oh yes, the devil is real alright and so is his fallen angels or demons that do his will. The devil has many names, Lucifer, Satan, the son of the morning, to name a few. So who is he, and what position did he hold in Heaven before he rebelled and was thrown out of Heaven.

  Satan, our Lord says that “he abode not in the truth.” He was once the covering cherub, glorious in beauty and holiness. He was next to Christ in exaltation and character. It was with Satan that self-exaltation had its origin. He became jealous of Christ, and falsely accused him, and then laid blame upon the Father. He was envious of the position that was held by Christ and the Father, and he turned from his allegiance to the Commander of heaven and lost his high and holy estate 

In cartoons and comics, the devil appears as a cute, benign tempter, pushing you to do something that's fun or a little bit wrong. In reality however, Satan is anything but cute.

Who is the devil? He is not God's counterpart, because God has no equal, no opposite. God has always existed, and everything else that exists now, including angels, were created by God.

The devil (sometimes referred to as Satan or Lucifer) is an angel who rebelled against God. He is the enemy not only of God, but also of humankind, relentless in his mission: to kill, destroy, or enslave us. We're warned, " watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour."

The devil's power is laughable compared to the power of God. Yet, he is a real threat to humans, and has the capacity to ruin a person's life.

Satan has one primary tactic: to deceive us. He seeks to deceive entire nations, the world, and individuals. He twists and distorts what is true, and there is power in his lies.

Dr. Neil Anderson made an astute observation. He said the Bible describes Satan in three ways:
- The tempter
- The accuser
- The father of lies

Dr. Anderson noted, "If I were to tempt you, you would know it. If I were to accuse you, you would know it. But if I were to deceive you, you wouldn't know it. The power of Satan is in the lie. If you remove the lie you remove the power."
In what ways does the devil lie?

Here are just a few examples.

God created Adam and Eve with free will to choose and make decisions, just like humans can today. The Garden of Eden contained perhaps hundreds of fruit-bearing trees. The only instruction God gave to Adam and Eve was to not eat from one particular tree. It was a straight-forward instruction to follow. Just don't eat from that one tree or you will die. Simple enough.

Yet Satan persuaded Eve, "You will not surely die." That's the initial lie. Now he lies further, "You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

Satan deceived Eve, convincing her that God was withholding something wonderful from them, that this fruit would make them like God. And wouldn't that be a good thing? The problem was, it wasn't true. Adam and Eve believed Satan's lie, rather than what God told them, leading to horrible consequences. That's exactly how the devil operates. He distorts the truth in order to harm the person.
How the Devil Accuses God

Satan's greatest desire is to keep people far away from God. He will seek to either cause you to deny God's existence or to slander, lie about God's character. Here's an example.

God repeatedly affirms his love for us. "I have loved you with an everlasting love, therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you."3 "...not that we loved God, but that he loved us..."4 "See what kind of love the Father has given to us..."5 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life."

But what does Satan say? "God doesn't love you. Look at all the problems you have. If God loved you, you wouldn't have these problems." Sounds convincing.

Yet all people face problems. It's part of life. What Satan neglects to tell you is that if you have a relationship with God and depend on him, God can lead you through those problems. You do not need to shoulder or solve them on your own. God can give you wisdom and real strength in the midst of those problems. Not only that, but he says while we face difficulties, " peace I give to you..." Why? Because the person knows that God can be trusted.

Without God, a person is described as "without hope in this world." That is not God's desire for anyone.

How the Devil Accuses You

Not only does Satan try to deceive you about God's goodness, but Satan also slanders you to God. Satan did this with a man named Job. Satan said if Job suffered, then Job would curse God to his face, which Job never did. Satan seeks to undermine you and condemn you before God.

But not only that. Satan turns his slander and condemnation toward you.

He convinces you, "God wouldn't want you. You could never be holy enough. Look at all the junk in your life, all the ways you've failed, the things you do, the addictions you have. God would never accept you or want you. You'd never make it."

Again, all lies. God is very clear that none of us need to become "good" in order to be accepted by God, nor to become sinless in order to maintain that relationship with God.

Jesus said of Satan, "He was a murderer from the beginning...there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

The contrast between the devil and God is stunning. Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."
Jesus says of those who believe in him, "If you abide in my will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Instead of being deceived by Satan, there is an opportunity to know what God says is true about himself, about your life, about relationships. While Satan would like you to be enslaved by his deception, God wants you to know what's true, to be free and experience real life.

In addition to being a liar and an accuser, Satan, through his lies, tempts people toward slavery and addictions. "Oh go ahead. One more won't hurt you. No one will find out. You're not really hurting anyone. And you'll feel so much better."
How to Deal with Satan

If you decide to begin a relationship with God, you will still be tempted by Satan. You still have free will, making whatever decision you'd like to make. However, in many situations you would also know what's true and be less likely to give in to Satan's lies, less likely to feel helpless, confused or fearful. Further, God offers his help.

We're told, "The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure."

Who is Satan? A tempter, slanderer, and liar. His intent is to keep people isolated from God, so they will listen only to Satan, joining in his rebellion and experiencing destruction. Nothing he says about God or your life is true.

God desires a relationship with you and for you to experience his love. He created you not to live in darkness, confusion, but to know what's true. Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.".

 So in conclusion, yes, the devil is very real and so are his minions,the Bible calls demons. There are millions of them, accusing, tempting and possessing and lying to us. Is it any wonder that with so many of them doing this that we are drawn away from the truth. Which is the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the only name by which you can be saved from the devil and his demons, and also God`s righteous judgment to come. Believe in your heart that Jesus took YOUR sin to the cross and died for YOU, then was raised up from the dead and now sits in Heaven beside God the Father,Jesus was the first man in heaven, and He wants YOU to be with Him there, it`s up to YOU.


Please read my other posts, and feel free to comment on them. If there is criticism please may it be informed criticism, and if you like what I have said then please tell me. Not for my glory, but for the Glory of God...for He is the only one worthy of all Glory ,Honor and Praise. Amen  

If you do not have a Bible, there is an on line one for you here......

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Cause & Effect



God proved how much He loves us by letting His only Son die for us. So how can we show God how much we love Him ?

The first Commandment is to love your God with everything you have, not to worship or praise or honor anything or anybody above Him. Does He say don`t love your wife or family ?, no, of course not ; the first thing God tells us to do as Christians is to seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and by this we will begin to know Him.

He also tells us to hand everything we have over to Him,why ? if everything is His already why do we need to hand it over. There is a cause and effect here, if we believe we love God and we do not give Him everything, then we are putting things above His supreme authority, but if we surrender everything to Him, our thoughts,our possessions our lives, then He will lovingly guide us and show us the best way to utilize everything for His purpose in our lives. We may not see God`s plan at first, but as we progress we will see it beginning to unfold and will be guided by the Holy Spirit.

If we do this, hand everything over to Him, then we find we have a greater love for those around us, not just our friends and family but for everyone we meet.

 As we start to bring everything in accordance to God`s will we find we will be full of joy and peace, and everything else just seems to fall into place, not always how we want, but as our Lord wants it for His purpose not ours. This means a lot of overcoming, it means trusting God completely and this is not at all easy for any of us. Jesus told us to cast all our burdens on Him, that His yolk is light

. This means that God will never burden us with anything that is too heavy for us to carry, God knows us better then we could ever know ourselves, and He knows our limits, and would never give us anything we could not handle.

 Not like the devil, who tells us to live beyond our means, rack up huge credit bills, and be slaves to the love of money and power which corrupts  body and soul as well as drink, drugs, tobacco, illicit sex and all other lies that keep people in chains, and all lead ultimately to sickness and death, not just physically but spiritually as well. Thank God for Jesus. 

You may say, but I AM happy, that you do not want to put God first. That is up to you, that is why He gave you free will, to be able to choose your own way to live. I have already told you the lies that the devil spreads,they are the same lies that he told Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden, and he is still telling them today and people are still believing them.

 The devil will not tell the truth to you, he wants to drag you down to hell with him. He hates you and wants to destroy you, he will give you your heart`s desire, providing it can corrupt and lead you to death and away from the love of God.

 If only people knew what Eternal Damnation meant, if only they knew what being without God`s love will be like.

 I am sure they would be glad to give everything they have to avoid that happening, but it will be too late once they die. For if you have not accepted what God has done for you, by giving His only Son to die for you; during this life, then you will face God`s wrath and judgment and be thrown into the everlasting fire and be tormented for ever and ever and there will be gnashing of teeth and complete darkness and no love will be found, just complete desperation. Again, cause and effect, Not accepting Jesus leads to God the Father`s judgment then eternal damnation......


If you do not have a Bible, there is an on line one for you here......



Monday, 3 June 2013

Why didn`t God start again?



I was reading a comment beside one of the Christian Rapture video¬s on youtube the other day. It was from a woman who was very bitter and angry at God. Saying, if He is so great why didn`t He start again when it all went wrong in the Garden of Eden. Why wasn`t the devil destroyed when God threw him out of Heaven?

 I believe that the answer is free will. I am not God, so I do not profess to know all the answers, though I do believe that God will answer any question we ask Him, providing we are confessing our sins and trying to obey Him.

God wanted us to love and obey Him because WE wanted to , not because HE wanted to.This was the reason the devil was kept alive, so that we could choose which way we wanted to live. To believe the devil`s lies and go his way which leads to sin and death or go God`s way and know God`s love and protection which leads to Everlasting Life.

When Jesus came down from Heaven He would grow up to be that perfect man that God wanted to have fellowship and share His creation with. Jesus, though He was God was also wholly man. The devil tempted Him constantly, but Jesus chose NOT to succumb to temptation and did NOT sin. He kept His eyes firmly on His Father in Heaven and did the Father`s will and not His own. Even in the hour before He was arrested, Jesus sweated blood, begging His Father to take this burden that He had to bear from Him, but He still went ahead and done what His Father wanted, because He knew it was the only way that man could be saved from from His Fathers righteous judgment.

 Even though His disciples must have seen hundreds of miracles that Jesus did, they still couldn`t understand who He was till after His resurrection. When Jesus was asleep on the boat and a storm came, they woke Him up and said they were afraid they were going to die because the storm was getting worse and the boat would capsize.The scriptures had to be fulfilled, everything prophesied   in the Old Testament  had to come to pass. So Jesus told them to have some faith, that God would not let them die as He was with them. They still didn`t know who Jesus was even though He told them many times and they saw what He could do.and the fate that awaited Him that was foretold in the scriptures.

So I believe it was because God gave us free will, that same free will that God gave the angels, even these heavenly creatures disobeyed God, and a third of them were thrown down to earth. I believe this was when the earth was dull and void, not after God made it perfect. The devil was already on the earth before man was created, so were the fallen angels, millions of them a third of the angels in Heaven.

God has finished His perfect plan for the salvation of man, all we are doing now is living out the last days, the devil is defeated, he just doesn`t know it yet. God has provided a way for man to live with Him and be with Him for ever. He has also told us the consequences for not accepting that way, many shall go to Eternal Damnation for believing the devil`s lies and going his way, I just pray that you will read the rest of my posts and see the TRUTH of the Bible, and that you will ask God to forgive your sins, and believe in your heart that Jesus died to save you from judgment, that He took your sin upon Himself and paid the price for you, then was raised from the grave and now sit`s at the right hand of God the Father in Heaven.For the price of sin is death, spiritual death as well as physical death.

Please believe His way is best and be saved, for God loves you beyond measure. He doesn`t want you to go to Eternal Damnation where there is darkness, torment and gnashing of teeth, but worst of all love.

 Let your eyes be open to see Jesus, for He is the Word of God. Every word that is written in the Bible is His, for Through Him every thing was created by Him every thing came into being, what Jesus saw from the Father He did. The dead were raised, the blind could see,the deaf could hear and the lame could walk,Even nature obeyed Him. He is the first and last, every word of the bible is inspired by Jesus, from "In the beginning" to "Amen" He is the Living Word the only name by which you can be saved, for He is God alone, and all the Glory is His .....Amen

If you do not have a Bible, there is an on line one for you here......


Sunday, 2 June 2013

God has said Born Again Christians do not die.....



  I hope you do not think I am being conceited or big headed when I say this, but I am merely quoting scripture. The scripture I am quoting is Psalm 23, probably some of the most beautiful verses in the whole of the Bible.

Psalm 23
A Psalm of David.

23:1The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

23:2He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

23:3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

23:4Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

23:5Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

23:6Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

Isn`t this lovely...."   He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake." God is going to restore my soul, and lead me on His path that leads to everlasting life WoW !. also:..." Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."..

Nowhere in this verse does it say I will die, yes, it says that I will walk through the valley of the shadow of death,but that is not death. You cast a shadow when light reflects off your body, it is not part of you. And so it is with Born Again Christians, they will pass through the valley of death, they will see it`s shadow on the way to until they "sleep". Walking through this valley the Born Again Christian will be protected  and lead by the Holy Spirit,  until either the Rapture or when Jesus wakes us up.

  The devil and his demons cannot hurt us for we are with God and He protects us. That doesn`t mean that we will not be tempted, or that we will not sin, we try not to sin but when we do and confess it  we have the Divine Moderator, our Savior Jesus Christ, who intercedes for us with the Father and says He has already paid the price for that sin. Our Father God then rubs out that sin and then forgets it.Never more to be remembered, that doesn`t mean we can sin when we want to, because as Born Again Christians, with God`s help we turn away from sin, to be more like Jesus in our lives. For the wages of sin is death, and we have been saved from death so we try not to sin, but to please God instead. 

I love this Pslam, it is so reassuring to know that we will not see death, and that our loving Father is protecting us from the devil, if we allow Him to change us into the likeness of His Beloved Son...Thank you Father, I love you Lord...Amen

If you do not have a Bible, there is an on line one for you here......


Saturday, 1 June 2013

Why Do Our Bodies Die ?...How God is going to give Born Again Christians a PERFECT body



I am just an ordinary average human being, not some Biochemical scientist or expert on the human body. But I do believe the Holy Spirit has told me why our bodies die, and how God is going to make them perfect at the Rapture or when Born Again Christians who are asleep are woken up.

 Most people have heard of DNA, this is chromosome  that makes up our individual unique identity in our bodies. But holding these together are proteins which alter shape according to their function in the body. When we are born, we are born as sinners, that is sin is in our body and this is what alters the proteins or in some cases the protein module may be missing altogether. So from the moment we are born we are starting to die physically. Over time, these proteins decay or in some cases die very quickly,resulting in death sometimes at a very young age. So it is the sin that is in the world that causes sickness and death, and this affects every living thing.

When we become Born Again these proteins( and there are trillions of them ) start to form or conform to the shape they were intended to be before sin came into the world, not only this our DNA starts to change, this cannot be detected by man as we do not have the technology or capability of detecting this yet. I am not saying that we don`t die in our physical bodies, we do. But God is working in us as we repent and turn away from sin, and with His Holy Spirit conforming us into the likeness of His Son Jesus Christ. So our bodies " sleep" and will be perfected by God, if we are Born Again of His Spirit.

So either at the Rapture or when Jesus wakes us up, those proteins will be perfect as will our DNA, so we will be like Adam was before he disobeyed God and allowed the devil to bring sin into the world,perfect human beings at one with God, spiritually as well as physically just as God intended. This all makes perfect sense to me and makes a mockery of the theory of evolution, praise God who makes man`s wisdom like folly, and His TRUTH is revealed. For He says that anything done in secret will be revealed, and that means good and bad. 

To God be the Glory for ever and ever Amen.

If you do not have a Bible, there is an on line one for you here......

Why I Believe

Hi First of all, what is faith ?. Faith is believing in something you cannot see, cannot touch but you know it is real. Who imparts this ...